Lot 5 - Display Screen Equipment Assessment


This 1-day programme equips participants with the knowledge and skills to carry out Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessments correctly.

The course is highly participative. Participants take an active role in all modules. Participants are provided with checklists to facilitate them in assessing DSE/VDU workstations in their workplace.

Course Content

Introduction, Housekeeping, Course Outline, Aims & Objectives

Legislative Framework – health and safety (display screen equipment) regulations 2007, or the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1992


Understanding Ergonomics – principals of ergonomics, common issues in DSE use

Conducting DSE Assessment (office and remote) – DSE checklist, identifying hazards and risks

Mitigating Risks and Improving Workstations – adjusting workstations, positioning equipment, best practices

DSE Assessment Workshop – conduct hands-on DSE assessment (various scenarios e.g. pregnant employee, tall employee etc.), review reports

Promoting a Healthy DSE Environment – preventing upper limb disorders


Practical Demonstration & Assessment

Require 2 No workstations set-up scenarios within the training room – desk, office chair, phone

Participants are required to carry out a practical DSE assessment and short theory assessment


DSE Assessors Certificate – Safetech