RTITB Boom & Scissor Lift


MEWP's are widely used in the workplace and are replacing ladders and tower scaffolds as the preferred method of access. However operators are often asked to use these machines without being given any formal training, as a result, they are not aware of the safety precautions required or of the individual capabilities of the MEWP itself. MEWPs can present a high risk of destabilising if operated incorrectly, a risk dramatically reduced by professional training in the use of MEWPs.

On Successful completion of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Operate a MEWP safely and correctly in accordance with the Manufacturer's handbook

  • Clearly understand the causes of instability while operating a MEWP

  • Be able to carry out correctly, a pre-use inspection of the MEWP

  • Work safely at height

  • Understand fully the procedures for the emergency lowering of the MEWP in the event of an emergency


Content covered is as follows:

  •     Legislation and the use of MEWP

  •     Basic types and specification of MEWP

  •     Hazards associated with using MEWP

  •     MEWP Accident Analysis

  •     Daily pre-use checks and maintenance requirements

  •     Safety precautions while using MEWP

  •     Positioning of the MEWP

  •     Refueling and battery charging procedures

  •     Raising and lowering the MEWP safely and correctly

  •     Emergency Procedures

  •     Evaluating Ground Conditions

  •     Practical and Written Test


Candidates for this programme must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age

  • 1 x Passport Photo

  • Personal Protective Equipment (i.e. Hard Hat, High Vis Vest, Steel Toe Capped Boots & Gloves)

Delivery Method

  •     PowerPoint presentation

  •     Practical demonstration

  •     Theory & Practical Assessment


1 Day


All successful participants will receive an RTITB Certificate. Certification expires every 3 years.

Maximum Participants

Maximum Participants for this course is 3.

Funding Available


If you are unemployed and seeking work, you may be eligible for funding from the Department of Social Protection to cover all, or some of the costs of your training. (means depending, you may be entitled to up to €1000).

Candidates who wish to avail of this must make an appointment with a case officer in their local Intreo office, discuss their case & apply for funding. The candidate will receive a funding application form which they must sign & bring/post to us. Upon completion, we will send this back to the case officer who will then review the funding application.

Upon receiving funding approval in the post from the Department of Social Protection, candidates must then call us to reserve a place on our course. We cannot confirm a place on our course until funding approval is gained.


If employed within the private sector or are a sole trader, there may also be funding assistance available through Skillnet funding. Skillnet may fund a percentage of your training, if eligible. For more details on this, please contact us on 074 91 27786.