First Aid Response Refresher (FARR) Blended Learning

Start date: 18/04/2025
Cost: €175.00
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Places Currently Available

The Health & Safety Authority (HSA) now recognises the PHECC First Aid Response (FAR) training course as meeting the needs of occupational first aid. This 2-Day course is open to anyone who currently holds a valid Occupational First Aid or First Aid Response Certificate which is due for renewal – even if the previous training was not provided by us. Refresher courses are essential every two years to maintain your status as an occupational first aider, to keep up with developments in first aid and to refresh skills learned previously that may be only intermittently used.

What is First Aid Response?
If an employee is hurt or injured, First Aid Response is the emergency treatment given on site, before professional medical care arrives. This care given at a work site can be anything from cleaning and bandaging a minor wound to performing CPR until an ambulance arrives. This course replaces Occupational First Aid.

Blended Delivery
This course is delivered via live instructor led webinar with the practical taking place in the classroom

Course Outline

Course Outline is as Follows: 

UNIT 1:  Patient Assessment
UNIT 2:  Incident Procedure
UNIT 3:   Cardiac First Response (AED/CPR)
UNIT 4:  Common Medical Emergencies
UNIT 5:  Injury Management & Shock
UNIT 6:  The Unconscious Patient
UNIT 7:  Burn & Electrical Injury
UNIT 8:  Hypothermia & Hyperthermia
UNIT 9:  Information Management
UNIT 10:  Communications
UNIT 11:  Well Being of the FA Responder

Delivery Method

This Course is Delivered Via:

  • Live instructor led webinar and classroom presentation & discussion
  • DVD & Practical Demonstration


This Course is Delivered over 2 Days (Can be completed on consecutive days or over a number of weeks)


Maximum Participants

Max Participants is 8



PHECC First Aid Response (FAR) & PHECC Cardiac First Response (CFR) Certificate - (Both Valid for 2 yrs) Recertification of FAR must be completed within the 2 years.



An assessment takes place at the end of the second day. There is a practical and theoretical element to the assessment. Participants complete a multiple-choice examination paper and undertake skills assessments. In order to be successful, participants must achieve a mark of 60% or greater in each element of the assessment.


Funding Available


If you are unemployed and seeking work, you may be eligible for funding from the Department of Social Protection to cover all, or some of the costs of your training. (means depending, you may be entitled to up to €1000).

Candidates who wish to avail of this must make an appointment with a case officer in their local Intreo office, discuss their case & apply for funding. The candidate will receive a funding application form which they must sign & bring/post to us. Upon completion, we will send this back to the case officer who will then review the funding application.

Upon receiving funding approval in the post from the Department of Social Protection, candidates must then call us to reserve a place on our course. We cannot confirm a place on our course until funding approval is gained.


If employed within the private sector or are a sole trader, there may also be funding assistance available through Skillnet funding. Skillnet may fund a percentage of your training, if eligible. For more details on this, please contact us on 074 91 27786.

Upcoming Courses
Start date: 17/04/2025
Cost: €175.00
Venue: Microsoft Teams
No Places Available
Start date: 18/04/2025
Cost: €175.00
Venue: Microsoft Teams
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Start date: 09/05/2025
Cost: €175.00
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Places Currently Available
Start date: 12/05/2025
Cost: €175.00
Venue: Microsoft Teams
No Places Available
Start date: 03/06/2025
Cost: €175.00
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Places Currently Available
Start date: 25/06/2025
Cost: €175.00
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Places Currently Available